Toate articolele pe tema: "infringement"

Razvan Horatiu Radu: CE ar putea retrage actiunea impotriva Romaniei la CJUE, daca Pachetul 3 Energie va fi transpus

Comisia Europeana ar putea renunta la actiunea de trimitere a Romaniei in fata Curtii de Justitie a Uniunii Europene daca Romania va reusi sa transpuna integral normele prevazute in Pachetul 3 Energie, considera agentul guvernamental pentru Curtea de Justitie a UE, Razvan Horatiu Radu.

Taxa auto se va modifica din nou

Primul ministru Victor Ponta a anuntat ca fosta taxa auto va fi inlocuita cu o taxa de mediu, insa numai dupa ce vor fi avut loc in prealabil consultari si cu Comisia Europeana, pentru a evita intrarea in infrigement.

Romania somata sa reintroduca antrepozitele fiscale de depozitare in maxim doua luni

Pe 24 octombrie, Comisia Europeana a somat in mod oficial Romania sa reintroduca antrepozitele fiscale de depozitare de produse energetice. Acest demers (a doua etapa a procedurii de infringement) are la baza plangerea formulata de Deloitte catre Comisia Europeana in noiembrie 2010, potrivit careia eliminarea antrepozitelor fiscale de depozitare constituie o incalcare a legislatiei europene in domeniul accizelor.

Comisia Europeana solicita Romaniei modificarea legislatiei de accize

Comisia Europeana a solicitat Romaniei sa modifice legislatia nationala in domeniul accizelor cu privire la autorizarea antrepozitelor fiscale de depozitare a produselor accizabile.

O cerere pentru inceperea procedurii de infringement in cazul contestatiilor fiscale a fost depusa

Casa de avocatura Niculeasa Law Office a depus la Comisia Europeana o plangere prin care spera sa fie declansata procedura de infringement impotriva Romaniei, astfel incat autoritatile romane sa fie obligate sa solutioneze problema contestatiilor fiscale, in conditiile in care practica curenta este contrara dreptului comunitar.

Commission refers Denmark, The Netherlands and Spain to EU Court over exit tax rules

The European Commission has today decided to refer Denmark, The Netherlands and Spain to the EU’s Court of Justice for their provisions which impose an exit tax on businesses which cease to be tax residents in these countries. The Commission considers these provisions to be incompatible with the freedom of establishment as laid down in […]

Commission refers Spain to EU Court over discriminatory rules on fiscal representatives

The European Commission has today decided to refer Spain to the EU’s Court of Justice over its tax provisions on the appointment of fiscal representatives. The Commission considers that these rules, which require certain non-resident taxpayers to appoint a fiscal representative in Spain, result in discriminatory treatment and are contrary to the freedom to provide […]

Taxation: Commission requests Spain to amend its provisions on reduced VAT rates for medical items

The European Commission has formally requested Spain to amend its legislation which allows a reduced VAT rate for general medical equipment, appliances to alleviate animals’ physical disabilities and substances used in the production of medicines. These measures go beyond the scope allowed under the VAT Directive (2006/112/EC), and may distort competition within the EU. The […]

VAT: Commission refers Ireland to EU Court over reduced VAT rate for horses and greyhounds

The European Commission has today decided to refer Ireland to the EU’s Court of Justice over its application of a 4.8% reduced VAT rate for supplies of horses and greyhounds. This reduced rate is not in line with the provisions of the VAT Directive (2006/112/EC), and could cause a distortion of competition within the EU. […]

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