Toate articolele pe tema: "septembrie 2010"
Romania si Grecia au inregistrat cele mai mari rate ale inflatiei in septembrie 2010
In September 2010, the lowest annual rates were observed in Ireland (-1.0%), Latvia (0.3%) and Slovakia (1.1%), and the highest in Romania (7.7%), Greece (5.7%) and Estonia (3.8%). Compared with August 2010, annual inflation rose in twenty Member States, remained stable in four and fell in three.
ANAF: Incasari bugetare mai mari cu 12,9% in septembrie 2010 fata de septembrie 2009
Veniturile bugetare incasate de A.N.A.F. in luna septembrie 2010 au fost de 11.895,1 mil. lei, cu 12,9% mai mult decat veniturile realizate in aceeasi perioada a anului 2009 (10.540,3 mil. lei) si cu 2,2% peste programul bugetar stabilit de Ministerul Finantelor Publice (11.642,9 mil. lei). A. Bugetul de stat Veniturile bugetului de stat au fost […]
Olli Rehn European Commissioner for Economic and Monetary Policy Concluding remarks at the Conference “Economic Growth for Better Quality of Life in Europe” Conference on Economic Growth for Better Quality of Life in Europe Brussels, 14 September 2010
Ladies and Gentlemen, Thank you for inviting me to make some concluding comments at the end of this important conference on economic growth and quality of life. I would like to start with a link with our current policy efforts, especially the Europe 2020 Strategy, and the ongoing work on the statistical front such as […]