Toate articolele pe tema: "vat"
Taxation and Customs Union : EU Council of Ministers authorizes four Member States to apply reverse charge to VAT on mobile phones
The Council discussed preparations for the December meeting of the European Council, taking stock of ongoing work on issues discussed in October. It adopted a decision authorising Germany, Italy, Austria and the UK to apply a reversal of tax liability for the payment of value-added tax (VAT) on mobile telephones and integrated circuit devices, as […]
Taxation: Commission requests Spain to amend its provisions on reduced VAT rates for medical items
The European Commission has formally requested Spain to amend its legislation which allows a reduced VAT rate for general medical equipment, appliances to alleviate animals’ physical disabilities and substances used in the production of medicines. These measures go beyond the scope allowed under the VAT Directive (2006/112/EC), and may distort competition within the EU. The […]
VAT: Commission refers Ireland to EU Court over reduced VAT rate for horses and greyhounds
The European Commission has today decided to refer Ireland to the EU’s Court of Justice over its application of a 4.8% reduced VAT rate for supplies of horses and greyhounds. This reduced rate is not in line with the provisions of the VAT Directive (2006/112/EC), and could cause a distortion of competition within the EU. […]
Economic and Financial Affairs
The Council gave the go-ahead to a reform of the EU framework for financial supervision, the aim of which is to eliminate deficiencies that were exposed during the recent crisis on global financial markets. The reform involves the creation of a European Systemic Risk Board and three European authorities for the supervision of the banking, […]
Commission postpones deadline for 2009 VAT refund requests
Many people have been unable to apply for refunds because some EU countries were not fully prepared for the switch from paper to an electrnic system in January. The deadline has now been pushed back to March 2011. Full story